
Holistic Mindfulness Coach & Social Marketing Strategist

2-min Read: Finding my Voice as a Podcaster [Omni Mindfulness Newsletter]

Published about 1 month ago • 4 min read

March '24 Newsletter

Finding My Voice as a Podcaster

Have you ever listened to someone share their truth or story and felt inspired?

Inspiration often strikes in the most unexpected moments. For me, it came during a peaceful walk to the pond with my son, much like many of the ones we enjoyed during the pandemic. As we strolled and enjoyed the fresh air, my mind was filled with a sense of anticipation. When we arrived at the pond, I found myself sitting on a large rock, watching my son play near the water's edge. It was in that tranquil moment that I put on my earbuds and hit play...

Earlier that day, I had just received a message from my friend Tanya, a fellow Meditation Life Coach, that she had launched her first podcast episode on her podcast "Compassionate Mindfulness with Zenya," and I was so excited to hear it. Her podcast’s introduction alone had me captivated - her voice, and her story, were both so powerful...

Her raw authenticity and powerful message left me in awe.

Having practiced ethnographic research in the early years of my career, I had always felt an affinity for drawing out the stories of others through interviews.

That day at the pond, as I finished listening to Tanya’s first episode, the storyteller in me was sparked. I wondered if I too could be instrumental in creating inspiration through the art of sharing narratives.

Could I find my voice to share the stories of others in the same compelling way?

Fast forward months later, I would join Tanya in co-hosting a joint podcast, and soon go solo as a host of my own podcast, Omni Mindfulness.

In those months since hitting record for my podcast, I’ve learned a lot. And my ability to engage with my audience and guests improved. In fact, I cringe listening to my first several episodes. But hey, we all need to start somewhere, right?

But what I’ve learned through this podcasting journey was that the hardest part wasn't drawing out the stories from others – it was finding the courage to insert my own narrative into the mix. This is essential though. It's vital to insert our narrative to truly create an authentic bond with others.

Yet, I rarely record solo podcasts and speak on topics relying just on my voice to share my feelings or thoughts.

I wondered, "What do I have to say?" or "Who would listen to me?" Lots of vulnerability crept in as I thought of a list of “what ifs”…

These are the questions that crossed my mind.

Each month, I curated content tailored to my audience's interests and concerns, all designed to create a bond that captivates attention.

While I could sense that my audience felt a bond with my guests through the power of storytelling, I struggled with feeling that this bond could be created if I were to just share my own narratives using just my voice... solo.

Could I use my voice to create a bond simply based on my own narrative and story?

"Finding your voice is about having the confidence to know you matter so you can use your voice."
Cammi Granato on where to start.

Even now, after over a hundred episodes of my own podcast, I struggle to share parts of my story. It took several writes and rewrites, several takes in recording my intro, and any solo podcasts. However, for 2024, I made a pact with myself to challenge myself to find my voice. So each month, I've found a topic where I go solo..

The hardest part of finding my voice was finding the courage to believe my voice could actually make an impact.

And it's a journey I'm excited to continue sharing with you all. So stay tuned for more solo episodes, where we delve into topics close to my heart, and where we explore the power of finding our voices together.

Omni Insights

Tips on Finding Your Voice

  • Discover Your “Why”: Align with your purpose or dharma. For me, it was the inspiration of my son Omni that led to the creation of Omni Mindfulness.
  • Embrace the Explorer Mindset: View your journey as an ongoing exploration. Finding your voice isn’t about reaching a destination but about the adventure along the way.
  • Courageously Feel Your Feelings: Lean into emotions of enthusiasm and wonder. Let your feelings guide you, rather than being held back by fear.
  • Stay Authentically You: Ground yourself in authenticity. Your voice is unique, so honor it by staying true to yourself and resisting the urge to conform.
  • Cultivate Fear-Resilience: Acknowledge your fears but don’t let them hold you back. Develop the courage to face challenges head-on and keep moving forward.
  • Practice Self-Inquiry: Take time for introspection. Dive deep into understanding yourself better, uncovering layers of your authentic self as you navigate your journey.
  • Trust the Process: Remember that finding your voice is a journey, not a destination. Trust in yourself and the path you’re on, knowing that growth and discovery are part of the process.

Podcast Spotlight

Join me this month as I dive deep into the art of finding our voices while featuring key guests who speak to this theme of elevating our soulful stories!

Click here to listen to podcasts to Elevate Your Message.


Enjoy the free starter guide that will accompany my upcoming Sacred Space Self-Care Service.

And...chill with my new music playlist here....listen to it while working or meditating. A full zen music play-list to crreate your sacred space.

Tune in, and subscribe to my Omni Mindfulness YouTube, by clicking here.

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Sacred Space Self-Care Service Coming in 2024 #OmniMindfulness #SelfCareSacredSpace #HolisticHarmony #

Your 🌐 Social Marketing Strategist Meets a 🧘 Spiritual Sage

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Holistic Mindfulness Coach & Social Marketing Strategist

Spiritual Sage Meets Social Marketing Strategist

I am a Digital Creator that empowers savvy, spunky, spiritual female solopreneurs to paint the canvas of their personal brand through the art of storytelling. As a Holistic Mindfulness Coach and Social Marketing Strategist, I offer content carefully curated for your journey in aligning with your #highestself across wellness, business, and lifestyle, all for personal and professional balance and harmony." 🚀😊✨🌺

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